To help you to better manage your transactions and customers with FedaPay, use filters.
Filters are an essential tool which allows you to make searches and avoid you to go through all the history of your transactions or your customers list.

Filter use

Use it when you are searching for information, accurate data.
You can do a filtered search wherever you see the Filter button on your dashboard.
The available filtering options vary depending on the element you are searching for.

For a search in the customers list, you have : Customer filter

The name, first name and e-mail address to find a specific customer or just use the first name and name to find all the customers who have these elements in common.

Customer filter_1
Customer filter_2

Choose the filtering options on the left which are:

  • Is equal to
  • Contains
Then enter the searched value in the field on the right.
Note that you can do this search by filling in one or more of the available fields at the same time.
Click on Send to finish.


The principle of using the filter with the transactions remains the same as with the customers, excerpt that we have a little differences.
The filter options here include :

Transaction filter

The amount, the status, the return url and the transaction description.

Transaction filter_1

The filtering options for the amount are the only news here. You have :

  • Is greater than
  • Is less than
To display a list of transactions which amount is equal to, less than, or greater than the value you specify in the field to the right.
All other remaining fields use the same filtering options already seen above.

And as with customers, you can refine your searches as much as possible for transaction history by using filtering options at will.

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