Learn about the business settings of your FedaPay account to validate it and set your mobile money account, bank accounts and/or cards on which you wish to receive your transfers.

To do this, from the dashboard of your account, go to Settings>Business Settings.

Business Setting

You will see the interface with the five (05) tabs below.

Business Setting


In the Account tab, you can change the name of your FedaPay account, indicate your country and your time zone.

Business Setting


In the Company tab, you fill in the information to identify your company for the validation of your FedaPay account.
Save your changes to finish.

Business Setting

Bank accounts

The Bank accounts tab, allows you to add the information of the bank account to which you wish to receive transfers from your FedaPay balance.
To do it, click on Add a bank account button.

Business Setting

You will see the form for adding bank account below.

Business Bank Account Setting

On the Information part, you enter :

  • the name of your bank
  • the bank country is the country where your bank account has been created
  • the account title in entirely and in the order as indicated on your bank account identification (RIB)
  • the account number (IBAN) indicated on your RIB
  • the swift code indicated on your RIB
Then click on the Next button to continue.

Business Bank Account Setting

On the Files part, you enter :

  • the type of identity document, either the identity card or the passport
  • the file corresponding to the type of identity document you have chosen. If you have chosen the passport for example, you must upload a file containing your passport by clicking on Browse
  • the file containing your RIB. You must upload it like for your identity document
Click on Send for verification to finish.

Once completed, the bank account you have just added will have the unverified status until the information you provided, is validated and the bank account verified.

Mobile accounts

The principle remains the same in the Mobile Accounts tab except that you can add here the Mobile Money number to which you want to receive your transfers.
To do it, click on the Add a mobile account button.

Business Setting

You will see the form for adding mobile money account below.

Business Mobile Account Setting

On the Information form part, you enter :

  • the holder of the mobile money account, last name and first name(s)
  • the country code where your number is registered then the mobile money number itself
Click on the Send me verification code button to continue.

Business Mobile Account Setting

On the Verification part, you enter:

  • the verification code of your Mobile Money number that was sent to you via SMS when you had the notification asking you to approve the transaction.
Click on the Verify button to finish.

Business Mobile Account Setting

Once completed, the status of your Mobile Money account that you just added will be verified.

Bank cards

In the Cards tab you can add the information of the prepaid card to which you wish to receive your transfers.
To do it, click on the Add a card account button.

Business Setting

You will see the form below.

Business Setting

Fill out the form with:

  • the bin number, that is the first six (06) digits of your card
  • the last four (04) digits of your card
  • the card holder, that is your first and last names as written on the card
  • the account number of your card
Click on the Send for verification button to finish.

The prepaid card you just added will have the status unverified until the information you provided are validated.

Once you have defined your bank account, mobile money and/or prepaid card on which you wish to receive your transfers, make your payment requests from the balance of your FedaPay account by choosing a transfer method among the ones you have defined in the business settings earlier.

Business Setting
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