FedaPay provides an integrated Ruby library to interact with its API, especially useful for projects built with Ruby on Rails.


Add the following gem to your Gemfile

$ gem install fedapay-ruby

Use Case

example for creating a customer

require 'fedapay';
# configure FedaPay library
FedaPay.api_key = '' # Your secret api key
FedaPay.environment = '' # sandbox or live
phone = {
  country: 'bj',
  number: '66000001'
customer = FedaPay::Customer.create(
  firstname: 'firstname',
  lastname: 'lastname',
  email: 'email@test.com',
  phone_number: phone

example for Creating a Transaction

require 'fedapay'

FedaPay.api_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_API_KEY'
FedaPay.environment = 'sandbox'

transaction = FedaPay::Transaction.create(
  amount: 1000,
  currency: { iso: 'XOF' },
  customer: { id: 1 },
  description: 'Payment for order #1234',
  callback_url: 'https://example.com/callback',
  mode: 'mtn_open'

puts "Transaction successfully created : #{transaction.inspect}"

Explore the GitHub repository for FedaPay Ruby and the API Reference for additional use cases.