React.js SDK
The React.js library from FedaPay enables quick and seamless payment integration into interactive user interfaces, making it ideal for modern projects.
Add the library to your project using npm:
Use Case
This use case demonstrates how to integrate the FedaPay payment button and widget into a React application using the fedapay-reactjs library.
Find more details and examples in the FedaPay React.js SDK GitHub repository.
Ensure you use the appropriate public key based on your environment:
For the sandbox environment (test), use the public key of your sandbox account.
For the live environment (production), use the public key of your live account.
In a React application, directly manipulating the global FedaPay object can lead to errors if the component mounts or unmounts before the transaction is completed. To avoid this:
Add checks to properly handle the component lifecycle.
Ensure the FedaPay script is included via a CDN in the main HTML file (commonly public/index.html) if required.
Example of inclusion in public/index.html :