The FedaPay Node.js library simplifies payment management for server-side JavaScript applications, making it ideal for REST APIs and Node.js projects.


Use npm to install the library :

npm install fedapay --save

Use Case

example of creating a customer

const { FedaPay, Customer } = require('fedapay');
/* Replace YOUR_SECRETE_API_KEY with your real API key */
/* Specify whether you want to run your query in test or live mode */
FedaPay.setEnvironment('sandbox'); //or setEnvironment('live');
/* Create customer */
const customer = await Customer.create({
  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  email: '',
  phone_number: {
	number: '90090909',
	country: 'BJ'

example of creating a transaction

const { FedaPay, Transaction } = require('fedapay');
const transaction = await Transaction.create({
  description: 'Payment for order #1234',
  amount: 1000,
  currency: { iso: 'XOF' },
  callback_url: '',
  mode: 'mtn_open',
  customer: { id: 1 }

Explore the FedaPay Node.js SDK GitHub repository and the API Reference for more examples and details.