FedaPay allows you to accept a variety of payment methods and define the ones that suit you.

Table of available payment methods
Redirection with a link plus token available currencies
Credit cards:
Franc CFA
MTN Mobile Money
MOOV Flooz Money
Franc CFA

As you can notice in the table above, the available payment methods are essentially :

  • Credit cards Visa and MasterCard
  • MTN Mobile Money
  • MOOV Flooz Money

The payment methods are divided into two categories depending on how the transfer of funds is been done from the method of payment.
With redirection, you send the payment link generated during the transaction creation to your customer who will be redirected to a page where he can choose to settle the transaction with the payment method of his choice.
This can be done with all the available payment methods we support.

Credit cards

Once redirected to the payment page with the link you gave him, the customer when he chooses to settle the transaction by credit card, is sent on a page outside our platform.

He can make his payment safely with his Visa or MasterCard card by just providing information about it.
Note that at this point, FedaPay has no access to your customer's credit card information.
Only the bank which has provided your customer's card can check the validity of the information and approve the transaction. In case of compliance, he is automatically debited according to the amount of the transaction.

Mobile Money

When your customer chooses to pay by mobile money MTN or MOOV, the token contained in the link you sent him is used.
He receives a notification directly on his phone asking him to approve the payment by just entering the secret PIN code of his mobile money account. As soon as he does, his mobile money account is debited and the payment is done.

L’autre possibilité que vous avez est d’utiliser directement le token obtenu lors de la création de votre transaction pour définir le mode de paiement que votre client doit utiliser pour régler la transaction.
Si par exemple, vous souhaitez recevoir vos fonds que par MTN Mobile Money, utilisez donc le token pour le préciser à votre client.
Pour se faire, utilisez ce code via l’API pour exiger des paiements mobile money de vos clients avec le token comme paramètre.

(Mettre le code pour préciser le mode de paiement avec le token via l’API)

Notes :
  • The payment link leaves the choice of payment method to your customers while using the token allows you to define in advance the payment method they must use to settle transactions.
  • L’utilisation du code pour définir la méthode de paiement via l’API avec le token n’est possible actuellement qu’avec MTN Mobile Money.
  • The token and the link are only valid for 24 hours and can only be used once. If the token or link expires, you will need to generate a new one. If the payment fails, you will need to create a new transaction.
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